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Access Connect
Are you new to Access?
Consider this your personal invitation to join Pastor Zac, Ashley and other leaders to discuss some of the exciting things happening at Access Church and how you can get involved (all while enjoying some snacks!)
We would love to get to know you!
Bring your kids with you - we want to meet them, too!
Upcoming Dates: February 9, April 6, September 7, November 16
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP below and we’ll send you more information.
Growth Track
The Access Church Growth Track guides you to discover your redemptive purpose and to live the life God created for you.
Growth Track is offered at least twice a year and is made up of two sessions during the 11AM service in room 100 that equip you to follow Jesus, connect to the church, discover your purpose, and serve others.
Upcoming Dates: March 23 & 30, November 2 & 9
Sign up below.
101 - Knowing Your Church - Will help you understand why we do what we do.
201 - Foundations of Faith - Outlines the essential habits that every believer needs in order to become a devoted follower of Jesus Christ.
301 - Spiritual Growth - Helps you understand the importance of growing spiritually through your relationship with God and His people.
401 - Assessing Your Gifts - Helps you discover your unique purpose in Christ. It will help you examine your personality and gifts and how they combine to find your best fit for ministry.
501 - Next Steps - Will help you get the necessary information to take your next step - whether you want to sign up for water baptism, serve on a team, or become a member.
Child dedication
Parents will have the opportunity to have their child dedicated to the Lord during the service.
This is based on the biblical principle of giving the parents the responsibility to teach and model how to love and follow Christ.
Upcoming Dates: TBA
For more information, email
What a Child Dedication is not:
A guarantee that your children will never have problems.
A rite that gives a child a special standing before God.
What a Child Dedication is:
A chance for parents to publicly commit to raise their child in a way that honors God.
An opportunity to seek support from Access Church, as a whole, to raise their children in the faith.
A time for parents to draw together in making that commitment.
Once you fill out the form below, someone will follow-up with the date of our next child dedication.
water baptism
Baptism is an outward symbol of an inward change. It signifies our identification with Christ and his saving work done on our behalf on the cross. Through being immersed and coming out of the water, we identify Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.
With this act modeled by Christ in John 1:29-34, we give testimony to the fact that the old has passed away for us, and that he is making all things new.
Once you fill out the form below, someone will follow-up with you with next steps and the date of our next baptism service.
Upcoming Dates: June 29, August 24
For more information, email
It takes a group of people to keep everything running smoothly on Sunday mornings and we're always looking for more who are excited to help in spreading the Word of God.
Please click the button below and select all areas of ministry that you're interested in. The Access Team Leader for those areas of ministry will contact you with more information. For more information email info@scaccesschurch